if I were to have actually learnt to program in school, I probably would've hated it especially having to "study" a program so you can answer questions about it on a test and add things to it. The piece of code is really bad, I had to take a piece of paper out to figure how it was storing a graph, the rows were stored in the opposite order in a list and everything was hidden behind objects and methods which were extremely convoluted and hard to trace. Kinda depressing really.

I've only just realised that because zig imports files as structs, you can just write a file as if you were defining a struct

slowly going my way through learnopengl.com, I don't think it was that good of an idea to try and use glfw and glad as c libraries in zig at the start. At least I have a template repo that uses opengl bindings for zig and mach-glfw. Other than that I'm learning a lot already.

I took my email down from my website, someone signed it up to an account on a random site. We really can't have nice things in life.

I'm now hosting a website! https://alxfg.com

I've been looking into trying to make a static website recently, the easy part was making the writing the server. The hard part was trying to write the html and figuring out how you would go about getting hosting setup

Despite not actually being taught anything in A Level computer science (and told straight up lies), I think it's overall probably one of my better decisions as it means I have at least a bit of breathing space

The more I'm learning about systems programming, the more I actually feel like I can do stuff